On June 9th, one of this year’s SWEP of Greater Philadelphia’s Grant awardees, the Junior Girl Scout Troop 555 of Springfield, as the culmination of their Bronze award project, officially turned over the vegetable garden that they planned, built and planted over the last 8 months for the Wesley House Shelter. Wesley House Community Corp. is a 17 unit facility-based program for families and single adult females for up to 3 to 6 months length of stays in Chester, PA.
At the garden’s dedication ceremony Troop Leaders Margie Larkin and Kristen Fee O’Connor awarded 10 girls who each put in over 20 hours of hard work to make this garden a reality. They consulted with the Master Gardeners and created a “lasagna” layered raised bed garden. On June 9th , in vigorous growth were green beans, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant and green peppers.
Liz Ladd and Sheiletta Corporal, the CFO of the Community Action Agency of Delaware County [CAADC, Inc.] and Director of the Wesley House respectively, said a few words about the value of the garden to the shelter and the girls’ hard work. Also, there was a representative of Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania [GSEP] and from SWEP; Elaine Feldman [Grants Chair] and Donna Suevo [Grants Committee] were also present and said a few words of admiration of the girls’ initiative and hard work. There were additional representatives from the Shelter staff Ms. Rose and Ms. Beth and as well as residents who were taking over the garden.
The shelter staff and residents are enthusiastic about the garden, have taken over garden upkeep and harvesting and hope to continue this program in years to come. SWEP felt privileged to support this project with a $500 grant.
Newsletter Article Update for the 2013 the Urban Watershed (Exploring Urban Watersheds 2013 Report).